Posted in Autumn, Fort Washington, In The Neighborhood, Misfit Toys, Pablo, Pennsylvania, Pookie Noodlin

A Crisp Autumn Day

Pookie Noodlin is so enjoying the cooler temps.  But alas, we will go from Autumnish to Winter in a blink.  A polar vortex is approaching our region.

Pablo says boo-hiss to the massive traffic messes in our area.  It seems that the township thought it best to hire a total FNG to do a major road project so instead of taking 6 weeks we are now into 8 weeks with no end in sight 😦  The Roomie gives it a boo-hiss too.



Hi my name is Bjorn Maelstrom. This blog follows my many adventures. I've been to 16 different states since coming to America. After I suffered two fractured arms I've had to slow down a big but my friends Mick, Alistair, Chris, Hazel, Frank and a bunch of others have graciously said they would continue my adventures. Not that I'm going away completely. Sometimes we travel together sometimes separately but no matter where we go it's always a good time.

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