Posted in Bjorn Maelstrom, California, California, Culver City, Files, Norwegian Explorer, Nun on the Run, Sister Kickurass, The Roomie, Travelers, Vacations Around The Globe

California Dreamin’ – Bjorn Sees Dead People – The Catholic L.A. Edition

Around the block and up the street we went to see the Catholic Cemetery.  It wasn’t as aesthetic as the Jewish cemetery with his structures and elaborate gardens but it was very nice.

I got to see Rita Hayworth…

Bing Crosby…

Dracula’s Bela Lugosi…

Kick took time to hang out in the Grotto…

Me and the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.  We had a great time seen all the old celebrities but our time was limited.  The Roomie had to go potty.  Just like her to make us have to rush, lol.  Tomorrow’s post…Hollywood!