Posted in Alistair, Mets Suck, Phillies, Random Crap, What happened today

Lunch Review with Alistair

Being a Troll I’m more about leaves and grasses.  So to say I’m a salad person would be spot on.  Every once and a blue moon I will branch out of my comfort zone.  This was the case for lunch.  I ordered a BLT.  Really they should have just called it a Bacon Sandwich.  This is the bacon I removed from the sandwich.

Bacon is good for what ails you...true story

It might not look all that impressive to you but the guys ate a bunch of it and the other bunch was still on my sandwich 😉

I also tried the Onion Rings.  I wasn’t overly impressed and passed them off to the guys because they will eat anything.  No really…they will.

Onion Ring Hula Hoop anyone?

Um…did you notice that all my Troll luck was aimed at the Phillies who pulled out a victory in 11 innings?  Yeah, that was awesome.

p.s.  Still no word from Bjorn.  I guess he’s having too good a time to call home.  I hate that Troll 😉


Hi my name is Bjorn Maelstrom. This blog follows my many adventures. I've been to 16 different states since coming to America. After I suffered two fractured arms I've had to slow down a big but my friends Mick, Alistair, Chris, Hazel, Frank and a bunch of others have graciously said they would continue my adventures. Not that I'm going away completely. Sometimes we travel together sometimes separately but no matter where we go it's always a good time.

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