Posted in Elves Are Everywhere, Ingrid Maelstrom, Morris Arboretum, Norwegian Explorer, Pennsylvania, Spring, Thadious

Springing Into Spring

It’s still a bit cold in our part of the globe but we all got excited when we saw the flowers starting to bloom.  It meant that Spring was springing!

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Thad loved the daffodils!

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Ingrid always loves going to the arboretum.  It reminds her so much of Norway and the Fjords and forests.

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Even with the cooler weather how could one not enjoy such an outing?

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So much fun.  I hope you get to go out and smell the flowers too!

Posted in Eddie and Jimmy, Elves Are Everywhere, In The Neighborhood, Patches O'Hurley, Pennsylvania, Thadious

Thursday’s with Thad

Thad is a quiet Elf but is more fun that Fun Bobby.

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Sometimes he gives his friend a lift for no apparent reason.

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Sometimes he helps the FNGs get used to his new surroundings.

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Sometimes he just likes to hang out with the Poets and share stories of the old days.  Thad is one Elf you can count on to brighten up your day!

Posted in China Girl, Elves Are Everywhere, Homie the Gnomie, New Jersey, Thadious, The Roomie, Weekend Adventures, What happened today, Wildwood Crest

Lets Go To The Shore!

The Roomies were securing the summer rental this past weekend and we got to tag along.  The Beach looked inviting!

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China loved the warmth of the sun.

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Bow, Elenor and Cookie were sunning themselves on the bench.

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We drove around town.  It was so quiet, not like the hustle and bustle of the Summer months.
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Homie loved the “protecting” the local leprechaun.

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The Roomie changed the lyrics to the Robin Sparkles song “Lets Go To The Mall” with “Lets Go To The Shore” and then sang it for hours.  Now I can’t get that silly ditty out of my head.  Ugh!

Anywho…can’t wait for the Summer to start 🙂

Posted in Bjorn Maelstrom, Boone Maelstrom, Elves Are Everywhere, Homie the Gnomie, Norwegian Explorer, Thadious, Winter

Happy President’s Day

The gang hung out with some of the Former President’s to celebrate their day!

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Jimmy and Eddie took the day to take some pictures and chat with the Old Dudes.

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Jimmy wasn’t clear as to why there isn’t a Famous Writer’s Day.  Eddie just rolled his eyes.

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OMG…is that a smile on Eddie’s face?  It’s probably going to snow!

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I think Eddie jinxed us, lol.  Bjorn is back on the beat these days.

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He’s looking rested these days.  Me and Thad hung out with Bjorn and his brother Boone yesterday.  It was a good time but we had a bit of Olympics rivalry going.

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Bjorn and Boone pulled out their colors so we did too.  Since Norway lost to Great Britain in Men’s Curling yesterday I thought I’d be nice to the poor guy.  He takes his Curling seriously!

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We may be American Elves but in the end our hearts belong to Canada’s Women’s Curling team.  WE LOVE YOU JENNIFER!!!

Posted in Elves Are Everywhere, In The Neighborhood, Pennsylvania, Thadious

His Name Was Pax

His name was Pax and he left a great swath of snow in his wake.  We had Pax the nor’easter swing through the region leaving behind 13″ of snow followed by sleet, rain and then an additional 4″ of snow.  I’m not a fan of snow like Homie.  I’m more a 40 degree or high kind of elf.

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Hey I will make snow angels and play snow fort with the best of them but there comes a time in the winter months one just looks towards spring, lol.  I’m one of those Elves!

So if you are loving Pax I apologize for cramping your style 😉

Posted in Autumn, Christmas, Elves Are Everywhere, Holidays, Homie the Gnomie, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, Seasons, Thadious, The Roomie, Weekend Adventures, Winter

The Colors of Christmas

We went to Longwood Gardens with the Roomies this weekend.  It was spectacular.

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The trees, poinsettia, orchids and the apple lane were spectacular.  We also got to sing carols with the 39th largest organ in the world playing for us.

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Night arrived and the lights came on.  It is quite a sight to behold.  Thad and I are really feeling the Christmas Spirit now!

Posted in Autumn, Elves Are Everywhere, Homie the Gnomie, In The Neighborhood, Pennsylvania, Seasons, Snow, Thadious, Winter

Snowball Fights and Snow Angels

We’ve had snow two out of the last three days which I love!  It’s kind of weird to think it is still technically Autumn but Winter is just days away.

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Me and Thad got outside for both days to play in the snow.

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This is how Elves make Snow Angels 🙂

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It snowed pretty hard this morning but it’s starting to lighten up a bit.

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Thad said this picture reminded him of that song…”It’s a marshmallow world in the winter…”

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The snow reminds me of when I was a Garden Gnome.  Cold snowy days like today were fun but could be trying too.

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But now I live with a bunch of folks who have heat and TV and I like it a lot!  Keep safe while traveling and if you can get a chance to play…go do that!